We are committed to the continued investment in, 和 proactive maintenance of, 我们的基础设施, 该泵, treats 和 delivers nearly five billion gallons of quality drinking water to homes 和 businesses each year.

Our system includes 317 miles of pipeline, 7井, three storage reservoirs, 3,400个消防栓, two booster pump stations, 和 台面的水 Reliability Facility (MWRF) -简称"墨菲. Thanks to this state-of-the-art facility, we are the only Orange County water provider to source 100% of our community’s water needs with a local supply.

California H2O: Flowing for the Future

台面的水’s Pipeline Integrity Program was featured in “Investing in Our Future,” part of the Association of California Water Agencies’ (ACWA) California H20: Flowing for the Future 视频系列.



水库 allow the water system to maintain a constant 和 steady system pressure by filling when dem和 is low, 和 pumping when dem和 is high. This system allows for rapid response to the unplanned dem和s from a fire or damaged fire hydrant by quickly replacing the lost supply with reservoir water. The reservoirs also prevent over pressurization of the water system by drawing off excess water (和 pressure) into storage.

Find out more about our reservoirs

Our Capital Improvement Plan anticipates ongoing improvements 和 maintenance to the system through well rehabilitation, distribution systems improvements 和 pipeline integrity testing 和 improvement.

View our construction updates


Water is pumped from Orange County’s groundwater basin, which underlies north-central Orange County from Irvine to the Los Angeles County border 和 from Yorba Linda to the Pacific Ocean. The basin is replenished by water from the Santa Ana River 和 imported water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. 台面的水 is not dependent on outside sources, but imported water from Northern California 和 Colorado River is accessible, 如果需要.

The MWRF (pronounced “Murph”) features two deep-water wells 和 a one-million gallon reservoir. Source water for the MWRF is pulled from deep below ground, with an amber tint from ancient redwoods. Mesa Water uses state-of-the-art nanofiltration technology at the MWRF to remove the tint 和 adds the clear, purified water to its water supply.

台面的水’s seven clear-water wells pump water from 200-600 feet below the surface 和 provide up to 85% of the water needs for 台面的水’s service area. The MWRF’s two deep-water wells pump water from 1,200 feet below the surface 和 provide the remaining water needed for 台面的水 customers. The aquifer extends down to 2,000 feet below the surface.

台面的水 supports the development of cost-effective 和 environmentally-sensitive sources of water, 包括回收, 地下水清理, 保护, 和 推荐十大正规网赌平台.

Read the results of our Desalination Plant Survey